OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

To Draw a Wire

You can see that one of the input ports is labeled CoordinateSystem. You can hover your pointer over the port to see its full name, as well as its data type, and its current value. You need to input a coordinate system into that port. There is already a coordinate system in the graph named baseCS.

  1. Click once on the output port that’s on the upper right edge of the baseCS node. This port represents the whole node.

    When you click on the nodal port (the black dot) and move the mouse away, the mouse is now carrying a dashed blue line. This represents the wire that you’re drawing between the two ports.

    Tip: To cancel a wire-drawing operation while it’s in progress, right-click. This erases the dashed blue line.
    Tip: While you’re drawing a wire, you can use all of the graph navigation tools described above, so you can wire together ports that are very far apart.
  2. Move the mouse to the CoordinateSy… port of point01 and click to finish the drawing operation.

    A wire will appear between the two ports, and they are now connected.

    The under construction badge on the node indicates the node is Incomplete status, and turns Normal once the input requirements are fulfilled.
    Note: You can draw a wire only between an input port and an output port. You can’t draw a wire between two input ports or two output ports.